People will pay $20 at a restaurant for a meal they can make at home for just a few dollars. But even good cooks eat out because they enjoy the experience. Likewise, people will spend $12 on a car wash they could do at home for next to nothing. That is because getting a car washed at a business is about more than just convenience. Here are 7 ways to provide your car wash customers with a great experience that brings them back for more.
#1 High-Quality
One of the most important factors in creating happy customers is doing the job they paid you to do. The cleaner the car, the better the experience. That means quality equipment.
#2 Speedy and Convenient
Convenience isn’t everything, but no one wants to wait in line for 20 minutes to get a wash they could have done at home in the same amount of time. Modern express wash bays should be able to clean dozens of cars per hour. You may need to upgrade your bay or create an additional bay to keep up with volume. New investors should definitely consider wash times when selecting equipment.
#3 Friendly Employees
If your workers always seem like they are in a bad mood or don’t deal well with complaints, it can cost you a lot of repeat business.
#4 Comfortable Seating and Amenities
Obviously, this doesn’t apply to every car wash, but if you have a waiting area for customers at a hand-wash luxury establishment, you want clients to be comfy. Including things like free coffee and TVs to watch are also a good idea.
#5 Easy to Operate
If someone has to ask sheepishly for help to operate your car wash, you can’t expect that person to return. No one likes to feel embarrassed – that’s a bad experience. Bright and easy to read signage is important for avoiding misunderstandings.
#6 Attractive Landscaping
This can go a long way toward calming drivers if the wash line is a few minutes long. Don’t wait until the driver enters the bay to start creating a good experience.
#7 Working Equipment
If your automatic wash bays are known for breaking down, someone may try the more reliable wash across town first. No one wants to drive out of their way for a wash that only works 3-4 days a week.
You may be able to think of additional ways to improve the experience of your customers by having a suggestion box and reading about what people in your area want. Then you need to deliver. For everything from car wash equipment distribution and installation to complete turnkey car wash design and construction, Car Wash Pro Designers can help you improve your revenue through creating a positive customer experience.