Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head that seems to be on repeat? That’s kind of how people are when it comes to the reputation of car wash brushes. Back in the day, cars used to come out of an automatic wash with all sorts of scratches on them, and some drivers still can’t get that out of their heads.
The only way to deal with a song on repeat in your mind is to listen to the song all the way through. Similarly, the only way to get the false idea of modern car wash brushes being behind scratches on vehicles is to have a discussion about it.
Make It Part of Your Marketing
Advertise your car wash and include some facts about modern express exterior car wash brushes at the same time. Here are a few essential talking points:
Old school brushes used bristles, so there was the potential to cause micro scratches while cleaning, but modern brushes are made from cloth or foam. You wouldn’t scratch the paint any more than you would by beating the car with one of those foam fingers people hold up at sporting events.
The real way to get brushes off the hook is to reveal the true source of the scratches. The micro scratches are caused by debris on the vehicles. Spraying the car thoroughly and soaping it up well before the brushes start hitting are actually the solutions to the micro scratches issue. Either way, it’s not the brush causing the problem anymore than accidentally wiping a tiny rock across your phone screen is a defect in a lens cloth.
Tips for a Scratch-Free Wash
Of course, the best offense is a good defense. If your wash never scratches a car, then you can use brushes all day long, and no one will think anything of it. So here are a few tips:
Get the right brush setup – High-quality equipment is crucial, and it has to be installed properly for maximum cleaning with minimal risk.
Keep the wash well-maintained – As we mentioned, micro scratches are more about debris than brushes. Keeping brushes clean and in good condition is vital.
Use non-abrasive cleaning agents – This should go without saying, but you don’t want the soaps at your car wash to be the problem.
Get an Express Exterior Car Wash with the Best Equipment
At Car Wash Pro Designers, we know every element of the car wash business well and can take you from the planning stages through the grand opening, staff training, and marketing phases. We are also connected to top car wash equipment manufacturers, so you can be confident in the quality of your wash from day one. Learn more about our turn-key express exterior car wash projects today!